GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health
Volume 3 Issue 1
Authors: 1Eke SS; 2Omalu ICJ; 2Olayemi IK; 3Egwim EC; 4Hassan SC;
5Shoge MO; 2Hadijah UY; and 6Otuu CA.
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health, Volume 3, Issue 1 (2024), 3(1) 1-11
Article Keywords: Pyrethroid; Anopheles; Predominance; Minna; Niger State.
Malaria is a life-threatening mosquito-borne tropical disease that continues to pose public health challenges in Nigeria. This study was conducted to evaluate the spatial monthly and seasonal distribution of Anopheles mosquito in Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. Mosquitoes were sampled using the Pyrethroid Spray Catch (PSC) technique and were identified morphologically using keys. A total of 3303 (100%) mosquito vectors were captured between June 2016 and May 2017. The total number of mosquitoes captured comprised, 791(23.95%) Anopheline and 2512(76.05%) Culicine. The highest number of mosquito vectors were captured in May 2017 with 528(15.99%) followed by 453(13.71%) in August 2016, while the least of 78(2.36%) were captured in November 2016 (P<0.05). Out of the 791(23.95%) Anopheles mosquitoes captured, the highest being 233 (44.13%) was recorded in May 2017. Seven (7) species of female Anopheles mosquitoes were encountered during the study period, namely: Anopheles gambiae (53.22%), Anopheles funestus (18.46%), Anopheles squamosus (4.55%), Anopheles moucheti (5.07%), Anopheles coustani (9.23%), Anopheles nili (7.21%) and Anopheles pharoensis (2.28%). This study revealed a high distribution of Anopheles mosquitoes in the study areas. The results of this study would be useful in planning an effective site-specific malaria vector control, as it highlights the need to give special consideration to the
predominance of a single malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae in Minna, Niger State.
Authors: 1Adamu HN; 2Olawepo T; 2Niyang M; 2Ukponu W; 2Ujata I;
2Ihueze; 2Ibrahim R; 2Shallangwa J; 2Ogbeh S; 2Madubuko E; 2Eze A; 1Njoku 1; 2Agboola S and 2Gobir BI*
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health, Volume 3, Issue 1, (2024) 3(1) 12-21
Article Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance; Nigeria; Antimicrobial susceptibility; Urogenital; Staphylococcus aureus.
Antimicrobial resistance has been declared by the World Health Organization as a threat to countries and across various sectors. This study aimed to analyze antimicrobial resistance patterns of the common pathogens occurring in the Federal Capital Territory and Lagos states of Nigeria. A retrospective analysis of microbiological culture results from five private and public laboratories between January and April 2016 in Lagos and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). A total of 544 isolates were obtained from the five laboratories. Urine 137 (25.2%), was the most prominent specimen, followed by Stool 64 (11.7%). Out of 374 specimens that yielded growth after culture, gram-negative isolates were the most prevalent bacteria 169 (56%). There were significantly more samples from FCT and by gender (P=0.03) compared to Lagos (P=0.0003). There was no significant association between the type of bacteria isolate and location. The predominant gram-positive bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus 94 (70%), while gram-negative bacteria were Klebsiella species 67 (40%). Multi-drug resistance was observed in 202 (62%) of isolated urogenital pathogens. Maximum resistance was observed with commonly used first-line antimicrobials such as co- trimoxazole, tetracycline, second-generation cephalosporins Cefotetan, and third generation Cephalosporins -Ceftriaxone. Staphylococcus aureus had the highest antimicrobial resistance expression (93.6%) within the gram positives, with multiple drug resistance to all the antibiotics. Our survey revealed a rising rate of antimicrobial resistance to commonly used antibiotics. We recommend the prudent use of antibiotics to limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance.
Authors: 1Okiti AF; 2Oladunmoye MK and 3Ogundare AO
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health, Volume 3, Issue 1, (2024) 3(1) 22-34
Article Keywords: Antibiotic resistance; Spondias mombin; Bio-active compounds.
This study evaluates the antibacterial activity of Spondias mombin L. against multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria isolated from wound and urine samples of patients attending five (5) selected hospitals in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria. A total of 313 bacterial isolates were recovered from 353 samples of wound and urine using standard bacteriological procedures, with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus being the most predominant in urine and wound samples, respectively. The methanolic extract of S. mombin was the most effective against wound isolates, while the aqueous extract was the most effective against urine isolates. The results showed that the methanol extract of S. mombin had a zone of inhibition of 24.00±0.00, 30.67±0.33 and 19.33±0.33 mm respectively, against S. aureus, S. epidermidis and P. aeruginosa at 100 mg/ml. The aqueous extract had a zone of inhibition of 24.67±0.33, 27.33±0.33, 18.67±0.33, 24.67±0.33, 23.67±0.33, 21.33±0.33 and 21.67±0.33 mm against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, S. aureus, S. saprophyticus and Trichomonas vaginalis respectively, at 100 mg/ml. The phytochemical constituents of the extracts include alkaloids, anthraquinones, cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, phenols, saponins, steroids and tannins. These compounds may be responsible for the antibacterial activity of S. mombin against the multiple antibiotic- resistant bacterial isolates. The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of S. mombin as an alternative treatment for multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria from wound and urine.
Authors: *1Isah HC; 1Mohammed K; 1Garba MK; 2Mohammed Y
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health, Volume 3, Issue 1, (2024) 3(1) 35-44..
Article Keywords: Niger State; Extended Spectrum; Beta-Lactamases; Molecular Detection; Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa belongs to the ESKAPE group of superbugs and has been implicated in both healthcare-associated infections and as an opportunistic infection affecting patients with debilitating underlying conditions. The study aims to determine the prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL)- producing P. aeruginosa, antibiogram and associated risk factors for acquisition of P. aeruginosa infection whilst using conventional PCR to detect the molecular presence of ESBL genes (particularly CTX- M, TEM and SHV) among isolates of P. aeruginosa from patients attending Federal Medical Centre, Bida and General Hospital, Minna, Niger State, Nigeria. A total of 200 samples of wound swabs, pus, urine, ear and eye swabs were analyzed by standard bacteriological methods. Screening and confirmation of ESBL were done phenotypically by Kirby-Baur method of antibiotic susceptibility testing and Double Disk Synergy Testing (DDST), respectively. Molecular detection of ESBL genes: CTX-M, TEM and SHV was done using conventional PCR technique. Of a total of 200 samples collected, 27 (13.5%) were isolates of P. aeruginosa, 14 (51.9%) confirmed positive for ESBL using DDST and 12(44.4%) confirmed positive for the presence of one or more of the targeted ESBL gene using the conventional PCR technique. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (PPV) of DDST given as 58.3%, 53.3%, 50% and 61.5% respectively using the PCR technique as standard against DDST technique. Prevalence of CTX-M (499kbp), TEM (862kbp) and SHV (827kbp) genes were distributed as 9(40.9%), 8(36.4%) and 5(22.7%), respectively. Prevalence of ESBL producing P. aeruginosa is high thus endemic in this region. A high prevalence in occurrence of CTX-M reinstates the changing pattern of ESBL producing P. aeruginosa in this geographical region. Therefore, this calls for a public health concern and highlights the need to develop an active surveillance system to track the spread and activating a robust Infection prevention and control measure.
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health is an international scholarly peer reviewed Open Access journal that aims to promote research in all the related fields of Biosecurity and One Health. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation defines biosecurity in the context of a strategic and integrated approach that encompasses the policy, regulatory frameworks, instruments, and activities for analysing and managing relevant risks to human, animal and plant health, and associated risks to the environment.
Biosecurity covers food safety, zoonoses, the introduction of animal and plant diseases and pests, the introduction and release of living modified organisms (LMOs) and their products (genetically modified organisms or GMOs), and the introduction and management of invasive alien species. The GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health is devoted exclusively to the publication of high-quality research papers that covers multidisciplinary fields of Biosecurity and One Health. The journal aims to publish high quality varied article types such as Research, Reviews, Short Communications, Case Reports, Perspectives (Editorials), Clinical Images
Authors: Adeleke LA.
GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health, Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 57-67.
Article Keywords: Covid-19; Vaccine; Informed-consent.
As the COVID-19 continues to ravage human population since December 2019, medical professionals and people from other turfs of human knowledge have remained awake, with a view to nipping the spread of the virus in the bud. As early as 30th January 2020, WHO declared the virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) and an epidemic, with relentless efforts to arrest its spread. Yet, the virus nibbled away a large fortune in the global economy. While the virus becomes hydra-headed with its variants, vaccines have been developed to curtail its morbidity and mortality. Vaccinations are acknowledged as one of the most important and successful public health interventions. Nonetheless, there are legal hurdles to be crossed as vaccines are deployed to fight COVID-19 across the globe. Consent and fundamental rights of the individuals to be vaccinated sometimes conflict with the public health emergency needs, resulting in mandatory vaccination of every member of a given population. The two sides of the divide have their respective legal backings as inherent in the two locus classicus of Jacobson v. Massachusetts and Schloendorff v. Society of New York Hospital. The former established the principle of mandatory vaccination on account of public health emergency, while the principle of informed consent and self-determination have their roots in the latter. Subsequent cases, including Nigerian decisions in recent years have upheld the principle of informed consent and self-determination in medical treatment. The main thrust of this paper is to examine the effect of corona virus vaccination and COVID-19 status certificate on self-determination and human rights in Nigeria. The paper concludes that with deep rooted trust and transparency, suspicion and mistrust, which are the bedrock of the anti-vaccination movement will fizzle out and the legal conundrum ease off.

Volume 1 Issue 2 Journals
- Attitude Towards Covid-19 Vaccines and Willingness to be Vaccinated Among Orientation Camp Dwellers in IkareAkoko, Ondo State, Nigeria
- Design and Implementation of Nasopharyngeal Specimen Storage in Straws during the COVID19 Pandemic in Côte d’Ivoire
- Integration of Quality Management Systems in a Rural, Low-Resource Environment: The Experience at Phebe Hospital in Bong County, Liberia
- Molecular Detection of Measles Virus from Febrile Rash Illness Cases in Lagos State, Nigeria.
- Prevalence of Health Workforce Burnout during COVID-19 Response in Ethiopia.
- Volume 1 Issue 1