GET Journal of Biosecurity and One Health

Responsibilities of GET Journal Editorial Board Members

The GET journal will operate under the guidance of an editorial board, providing expert advice on content, attracting new authors and encouraging submissions.  The editorial members will meet statutorily quarterly, and at emergency meetings at the Iinstance of the Editor-in-Chief. The specific roles of members of GET editorial board are listed below:

Expected Roles/Responsibilities of GET Journal Editorial Members:

  • Review Submitted Manuscripts
  • Recruit reviewers
  • Advice on journal policy and scope.
  • Identify topics for special issues
  • Attract new authors and submissions.
  • Promote the journal to their colleagues and peers.
  • Assist the editor(s) in decision making over issues such as plagiarism claims and submissions where reviewers cannot agree on a submission.
  • Providing feedback and suggesting improvements on the journal.
  • Helping the journal to attract high-quality manuscripts, for example by promoting the journal at relevant conferences.
  • Providing scientific expertise for the journal
  • Suggesting topics and authors for commissioned reviews and commentaries.
  • Attending board meetings
  • Communicating your ideas for journal content and development.
Editor-in-Chief oversees the functions of all strata of the board and takes final decision on manuscripts
Deputy Editor assumes the role of the Editor-in-Chief in his/her absence and can act as the final decision maker when assigned to do so by the Editor-in-Chief
Corresponding Editor receives all submissions and in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief coordinate the assignment of manuscripts to Sub-Editors and communicates final decision to the corresponding author.
Sub-Editors. Other members of editorial board will be assigned specific roles as section/sub-editors handling specific areas, including but not limited to Reviews, Biosecurity and Biosafety, Biobanking, Antimicrobial resistance, Emerging Infectious disease. They are directly in charge of the section assigned to them, appointing reviewers, coordinating reviews and making recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief on decision on reviewed manuscripts. Any Editor not designated as section/sub-editors is addressed as Editor and may be assigned to coordinates review of manuscripts in any of the sections.

Tenure of Editors

Editorial board members are recruited by the Editorial Board based on nomination by members of the board, response to calls and consideration of unsolicited request. Members to be considered must be a senior academic, researcher or practitioner of proven track record and integrity, preferably not below the level of a senior lecturer in the university or equivalent in other sector.
The tenure of the editorial board is three years. Upon expiration the Editorial Board is reconstituted by bringing on board new members and termination of appointment of some members. Members may be relieved of their position on the Board on ethical ground or non-performance including persistent absence from meetings and lack of discharge of assigned duties.
Any member who wishes to opt out of the Board is expected to make a written application to the Editor-in-Chief stating the reasons for such decision.