Prof. Charles Shey Wiysonge is the director of Cochrane South Africa at the South African Medical Research Council; an Honorary Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Cape Town (UCT); and an Extraordinary Professor of Global Health at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. His previous appointments include Deputy Director of the Centre for Evidence-based Health Care and Professor of Community Health at Stellenbosch University; Chief Research Officer at UCT, South Africa; Chief Research Officer at UNAIDS, Geneva, Switzerland; Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Central Technical Group of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation, Cameroon; and Medical Epidemiologist at the Pasteur Centre of Cameroon. He is a member of various advisory committees in the fields of research, vaccination, and evidence-based policy in Africa and globally. Professor Wiysonge obtained an MD from the University of Yaoundé I Cameroon in 1995, an MPhil from the University of Cambridge UK in 2000, and a PhD from UCT in 2012.