Prof. Abiodun A. Denloye is a professor in the Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology at Lagos State University, Lagos, Nigeria. He is specialized in Medical and Applied Entomology with strong passion for Biosafety and Biosecurity Risk (Biorisk) Management. His pioneering efforts contributed to the formation of the Nigeria Biological Safety Association (NiBSA) in 2010. He was the pioneer Secretary of NiBSA, former Vice President and now the President. He is a well grounded Biosafety and Biosecurity expert as an International Foundation for Biosafety Associations (IFBA) Certified Biorisk Management Professional, IFBA Certified Biosecurity Professional, and Certified Biorisk Management trainer with access to the Global Biorisk Management Curriculum (GBRMC) Library. Also, he is a certified Trainer and Shipper of Biological Samples, he is well versed in deploying the science and skills underpinning decision-making in respect of the biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), having trained at different times at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy. He creates time to engage in birding, and enjoys reading writing, and travelling as his hobbies. His forte is service, creating platforms for people to express themselves and bringing up opportunities in place of despair. He is a Fellow of the Entomological Society of Nigeria (FESN), Fellow of the Nigerian Biological Safety Association (FNiBSA) and Fellow of the Society for Educational Administrators of Nigeria (FSEAN).