5th African Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases & Biosecurity

Event Date:
17 August 2019
Event Time:
10:00 Am
Event Location:
Sheraton Hotel, Wuse 2
Call for Abstract-Submission Guidelines
A 250-300 words abstract should be submitted electronically to https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eidb2019. Closing date of abstract submission is May 30, 2019.
About the Conference
- Era of Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Climate change and health
- Biosecurity
- Biobanking
- Public Learning and Understanding of Science
- Vaccine and Immunological Strategy
- The Cultural, Anthropological, Social and Economic Impact of Emerging Infectious Diseases
- Mentorship for the next generation of African Scientists on EID.
- Discuss and debate the impact of changing climate on EID and Biosecurity in Africa
- Discuss the rising insecurity and the influence of non-state actors on biosecurity in Africa
- Identify regional and international opportunities for collaboration in EID and Biosecurity research.
- Opportunity to present the latest breaking research activity and Collaborations from Ebola and other deadly Emerging infectious diseases.
- Present latest breaking updates on Ebola and other (re)emerging infectious diseases.
Things to See and Do When Attending the Conference
GET can provide an invitation letter to assist with visa applications for authors and all interested participants once registration fees is paid.
Visa Requirements
Letters for visa application can be requested here
Useful links: